Overdose prevention - bibliography and references
Naloxone on release - introducti…
The Scottish Model
Additional materials
List of recommended resources on the topic of overdose prevention and Naloxone.
For more information we recommend the following resources:
- Bird, S.M.; McAuley, A.; Perry, S.; Hunter, C. (2016): Effectiveness of Scotland’s Na- tional Naloxone Programme for reducing opioid-related deaths: a before (2006–10) versus after (2011–13) comparison. In: Addiction 2016 (111):883– 91.
- Bird, S.M.; Hutchinson, S.J. (2003): Male drugs-related deaths in the fortnight after release from prison. Scotland, 1996–1999. In: Addiction 2003 (98):185–90.
- Dichtl, A.; Stöver, H.; Dettmer, K. (ed.; 2018): Leben retten mit Naloxon. Fachhochschulverlag, Bd. 24: Frankfurt am Main
- Dichtl, A.; Stöver, H. (ed.; 2015): Naloxon – Überlebenshilfe im Drogennotfall. Fachhochschulverlag, Bd. 27: Frankfurt am Main
- EMCDDA (2010): Annual report on the state of the drugs problem in Europe
- EMCDDA (2016a): Preventing opioid overdose deaths with take-home naloxone. New EMCDDA insights into naloxone, the overdose antidote that can help save lives.
- EMCDDA (2016b): Preventing overdose deaths in Europe. Perspectives on drugs. EMCDDA (2012): Prisons and drugs in Europe: the problem and responses. (http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/selected-issues/prison).
- Morgan, G.; Smith J. (2017): Harm Reduction Database Wales: Take home naloxone 2016-17
- Health Service Executive (2016): Evaluation of the HSE Naloxone Demonstration Pro- ject
- Horsburgh, K.; McAuley, A. (2017): Scotland’s national naloxone program: The prison experience. In: Drug Alcohol Rev 2017
- Horton, Meredith et al. (2017) A mapping review of take-home naloxone for people released from custodial settings
- Information Services Division Scotland (2016a): Drug Death Database.
- Information Services Division Scotland (2016b): National Naloxone Programme Scotland Monitoring Report. Online: http://www.isdscotland.org/Health-Top¬ics/ Drugs-and-Alcohol-Misuse/Publications/2016-10-25/2016-10-25-Nalox¬one-Report. pdf
- National Records of Scotland (2017): Drug-Related Deaths in Scotland in 2016. Online: https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/statistics-and-data/statistics/statis¬tics-by- theme/vital-events/deaths/drug-related-deaths-in-scotland
- Petterson, A.G.; Madah-Amiri, D. (2017): Overdose prevention training with naloxone distribution in a prison in Oslo, Norway: a preliminary study
- Pflanz-Sinclair, Chr. et al. (2013): General Practitioner Engagement with the Scottish National Naloxone Programme: A needs assessment project.
- Release (2017): Take-home naloxone in England
- Ronconi et al. (2016): A research on the Italian naloxone distribution model
- Scottish Drugs Forum (2012): Naloxone Peer Educator Initiative. Scottish Drugs Forum, Glasgow: 2012. Online: http://www.sdf.org.uk/drugrelated-deaths/naloxone- peer-educator-initiative
- Scottish Drugs Forum (2017): UK’s first ever Naloxone Peer Training and Supply group celebrates launch. Online: http://www.sdf.org.uk/news_peer_nalox¬one_training_supply/
- Scottish Government (2015): Prison statistics and population projections Scotland: 2013–14. Scottish Government. Edinburgh. Online: http://www.gov. scot/Resource/0049/00491398.pdf
- Scottish Prison Service (2014): Addiction Prevalence Testing for Performance Measurement Purposes 2014–15. Scottish Prison Service. Online: http:// www.scotpho.org.uk/downloads/ drugs/SPS-Addiction-Prevalence-Test¬ing-Stats-Final- 2014-15.pdf
- Wakeman, S.E. et al. (2009): Preventing Death Among the Recently Incarcerated: An Argument for Naloxone Prescription Before Release. Journal of addictive diseases 28.2: 124–129. PMC.Web. 12 Jan. 2017.
- WHO (2014): Community management of opioid overdose
Published: 2021