NLO briefing paperCOVID-19 in marginalised groups:challenges, actions and voices

NLO (2020)

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has created an unprecedented crisis for governments, health systems and societies at large, and has severely impacted the health, lives and livelihood of millions of people worldwide.

Marginalised groups are among people the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, and yet are among the least protected from it by governmental actions to date. Indeed, the COVID-19 crisis has brought into sharp focus the stark inequities that exist in access to health and social support services for marginalised people who live precariously in Europe, often outside formal healthcare systems and social, labour and legal protection measures.

The Nobody Left Outside coalition has developed this briefing paper for the WHO European Office for Investment for Health

NLO briefing paperCOVID-19 in marginalised groups:challenges, actions and voices

NLO briefing paperCOVID-19 in marginalised groups:challenges, actions and voices

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