Appendix B: Guidelines for the operation and use of Consumption Rooms


At the conference 'Consumption rooms as a professional service in addictions-health : International conference for the development of guidelines', 180 participants from Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, France, and Australia came together to discuss the low-threshold and acceptance-orientated facilities, known as 'consumption rooms. Conference participants came from agencies operating and wishing to operate these services, social and health authorities, the police and justice system, and from policy making and administrative authorities active in the area of low-threshold and acceptance-orientated drug assistance. Many professional groups were represented : social workers, psychologists, nurses, doctors, public prosecutors, lawyers and police officers. As well as a general exchange of experience, working groups developed guidelines on six specific topic areas. These covered planning, realisation, operation, documentation/data collection, and the political acceptability of these services. These Guidelines are intended to serve as a professional orientation for existing facilities as well as for those being planned. They should also inform decision making by those responsible for policy and adminstration.

Appendix B: Guidelines for the operation and use of Consumption Rooms

Appendix B: Guidelines for the operation and use of Consumption Rooms

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