At-a-glance – Supervised Injection Services: a community-based response to the opioid crisis in the City of Ottawa, Canada

Sarah DelVillano, Margaret de Groh, Howard Morrison, Minh T. Do (2019)

In response to the current opioid crisis in Canada, establishing safe injection services (SIS) in high risk communities has become more prevalent. In November 2017, The Trailer opened in Ottawa, Canada and tracks client use, overdose treatment and overdoses reversed. We analyzed data collected between November 2017 and August 2018. During peak hours, demand for services consistently exceeded The Trailer’s capacity. Overdoses treated and reversed in this facility increased substantially during this period. Results suggest The Trailer provided an important though not optimal (due to space restrictions) harm reduction service to this high-risk community.

At-a-glance – Supervised Injection Services: a community-based response to the opioid crisis in the City of Ottawa, Canada

At-a-glance – Supervised Injection Services: a community-based response to the opioid crisis in the City of Ottawa, Canada

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Correlation Network