Consumption and Treatment Services (CTS) Planning Study for the City of Cambridge


The City’s Official Plan and Zoning By-laws do not currently include policies or regulations for consumption and treatment services and/or other similar services. The interim control by-law, under the Planning Act, puts a hold on any sites being established until land-use rules can be developed. The hold applies to the three core areas of Hespeler, Preston and Galt (with buffer areas of 500 metres).
The planning study provides Official Plan policy and zoning recommendations for consumption and treatment services and/or other similar services. The planning study reviews Federal and Provincial criteria for the siting of consumption and treatment services, along with other land use compatibility considerations.

Consumption and Treatment Services (CTS) Planning Study for the City of Cambridge

Consumption and Treatment Services (CTS) Planning Study for the City of Cambridge

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English 269 PDF Document
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