Has Access to Hepatitis C Virus Therapy Changed for Patients With Mental Health or Substance Use Disorders in the Direct-Acting-Antiviral Period? Jain et, al
Hepatology, January 2019 (2019)
Direct-acting antivirals (DAA) for hepatitis C virus (HCV) became available in 2014, but the role of mental health or substance use disorders (MH/SUD) on access to treatment is unknown. The objective of this study was to examine the extent and predictors of HCV treatment in the pre-DAA and post-DAA periods in four large, diverse health care settings in the United States.
Has Access to Hepatitis C Virus Therapy Changed for Patients With Mental Health or Substance Use Disorders in the Direct-Acting-Antiviral Period? Jain et, al
Has Access to Hepatitis C Virus Therapy Changed for Patients With Mental Health or Substance Use Disorders in the Direct-Acting-Antiviral Period? Jain et, al