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Civil Society Monitoring of Harm Reduction in Europe 2019
This report enriches the information and knowledge base of harm reduction interventions in Europe from the viewpoint of civil society organisations (CSOs) that directly work for, and with, people who use drugs.
1032users - About OMT in Norway - A "user to user" survey conducted by ProLar
The goal of the user survey was to find out more about how people in OMT experience the OMT system on a daily basis, as well as gain a better insight into what we at proLAR should focus on going forward. Thank you to all the participants who took the time to respond to the survey, who provided thoughtful feedback and suggestions for improvements for OMT treatment in Norway, and who were willing to share personal information and experiences.
Le présent ouvrage est une aide à la réflexion pour une expérimentation de ce dispositif de réduction des risques."