FAQ: Supervised Consumption Services at Sheldom M. Chumir Health Centre

FAQ: Supervised Consumption Services at Sheldom M. Chumir Health Centre

Alberta Health Services (2017)

FAQ: Supervised Consumption Services at Sheldom M. Chumir Health Centre

English English
PDF Document PDF Document
What are supervised consumption services? What is the difference between “Safe injection” and “supervised consumption”? Do we need supervised consumption services? Why provide supervised consumption services? Will supervised consumption services increase crime in the community? Do supervised consumption services encourage people to experiment with, and use,
drugs? Will introducing the services attract more people to use narcotics? Will supervised consumption services attract people who sell drugs? Why aren’t we putting more resources into prevention and treatment? What is the status of the application to Health Canada to provide Supervised
Consumption Services at Sheldon M. Chumir Health Centre? ...
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