Impact of a medically supervised safer injecting facility on drug dealing and other drug-related crime

Impact of a medically supervised safer injecting facility on drug dealing and other drug-related crime

Evan Wood, Mark W Tyndall, Calvin Lai, Julio SG Montaner, Thomas Kerr (2006)

Impact of a medically supervised safer injecting facility on drug dealing and other drug-related crime

English F(clicks) + Value(1) Website
North America's first medically supervised safer injecting facility (SIF) recently opened in Vancouver, Canada. One of the concerns prior to the SIF's opening was that the facility might lead to a migration of drug activity and an increase in drug-related crime. Therefore, we examined crime rates in the neighborhood where the SIF is located in the year before versus the year after the SIF opened. No increases were seen with respect to drug trafficking (124 vs. 116) or assaults/robbery (174 vs. 180), although a decline in vehicle break-ins/vehicle theft was observed (302 vs. 227). The SIF was not associated with increased drug trafficking or crimes commonly linked to drug use.
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