Evidence-Based Strategiesfor Preventing Opioid Overdose:What’s Working in the United StatesAn introduction for public heath, law enforcement,local organizations, and others striving to serve their community

Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (2020)

This document is to assist community leaders,local and regional organizers, non-profit groups, lawenforcement, public health, and members of thepublic in understanding and navigating effectivestrategies to prevent opioid overdose in theircommunities.

Evidence-Based Strategiesfor Preventing Opioid Overdose:What’s Working in the United StatesAn introduction for public heath, law enforcement,local organizations, and others striving to serve their community

Evidence-Based Strategiesfor Preventing Opioid Overdose:What’s Working in the United StatesAn introduction for public heath, law enforcement,local organizations, and others striving to serve their community

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