Quality improvement tools
Quality improvement tools might be used during project planning or during implementation of a project.
Purpose of quality improvement tools
The purpose of the quality improvement tools depends on time you decided to devote to it.
Quality improvement tools might be used during project planning or during implementation of a project. At the end of the project, using a QI tool can enable monitoring and evaluation, assessing what was working well and identifying areas for improvement in future projects.
What tool should I use?
There are many quality improvement tools available, of which some are specific to health promotion activities. Quality Action – a Joint Action Project - offers a selection of five practical tools adapted or developed for HIV prevention to suit a wide range of projects and programs. They are based on scientific evidence, practical experience and expert advice. All five tools encourage self-reflection and participation as important prerequisites for creating a culture of quality improvement. The tools themselves are complemented by a Tool Selection Guide, a Workshop Facilitation Guide, training materials and online learning resources.

The PIQA tool was adopted especially for health promotion activities targeting people who use drugs and can be used for projects that are intended to prevent HIV, STI, Hepatitis, TB and other infections that are common among people who inject drugs/people who use drugs (PWID/PWUD). It can also be used for other health promotion projects targeting PWID/PWUD and for quality assurance of the health promotion aspects of other PWID/PWUD-focused projects. PIQA can be used by those implementing the project, by project coordinators and by representatives from the target group who know about the project.
PIQA is a self-assessment tool. It is most useful when a range of people are involved in the assessment process, including members of the project team, the target group and other key stakeholders in the project.
The tool contains an introduction to its use and clusters of questions on seven important areas that have been shown to be important for success in health promotion. The respondents assess to what extent the project has managed to fulfill requirements in these areas. Depending on the score, you might consider your project to be strong, moderate or weak in an area and then consider possible improvements.
The tool has been developed in close collaboration with the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), looking specifically at health promotion and prevention targeting PWID.
- Short movie about PIQUA tool: http://www.qualityaction.eu/piqa.php. The tool is available in English, German, Italian, Lithuanian, Croatian and Slovakian languages.
- https://www.qualityaction.eu/